Why You Shouldn’t Use a Penis Pump

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Penis Pump

Why You Shouldn't Use a Penis Pump

Remember the phrase, if something is too good to be true, it probably is? Well, keep it in mind as your guiding principle when it comes to products that claim to enhance your penis size and performance. 

In all honesty though, I get it.

When people are anxious about something, especially something that determines their perceived sexual gratification and fulfillment, they are more susceptible to fall for scams and grasp at straws to come to a solution.

This kind of worry or “penis panic” is a common experience for American men at some point in their lives, and it is capitalized on by million dollar companies looking to make fast money. If you ask me, that is neither ethical nor fair.

My boyfriend Ben and I have come across our fair share of penis related scams, and they never fail to get a laugh out of us. Headlines that promise you a larger penis by using a daily lotion or following a stretching tutorial are, unfortunately, absurd claims that will likely lead to more disappointment.

For us though, the real winner of “penis panic” scams is the penis pump. These pesky penis-enlargement promisers often hide under the ruse of a “cure” for erectile dysfunction or a fast acting solution to grow your penis an inch or two. However, to be frank with you all, penis pumps don’t work. Not only are these sugar coated claims false, but they are also dangerously misleading.

So, as you can probably infer by now, I do not endorse penis pumps. If my firm stance against penis pumps surprises you, read more to learn exactly why Ben and I simultaneously shake our heads when we see these products emerge in junk mail and advertisements again and again.

What Exactly is a Penis Pump?

Essentially, a penis is a cylindrically shaped tube that you place over your penis, that works as a vacuum pump. It features a pump (that is operated manually or electronically) to draw air out from the tube, pretty much creating a vacuum around your penis. This vacuum pulls blood to your penis and causes the penis to swell (mimicking the action of getting a boner).

The penis pump user then places a ring around the base of their shaft (kind of like a cock ring) to hold the blood in their penis. This helps maintain their erection for sex. The results can last for around 5 to 10 minutes.

Penis pumps are frequently marketed as a solution for erectile dysfunction. They promise to get you hard, fast in order to perform better in the bedroom.

They are also often sold with a “penis enlargement” guarantee, which has also confused me, because all you are doing is drawing blood to your penis, which is what your natural erection already does, so really what are you changing?

Sure, more blood flow to the penis makes for a harder, stronger boner, but there are definater safer and healthier ways to achieve that.

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Penis Pump

Which brings me to the point about risks. Please, readers, do not fall for these enticing results. When asking the question “do penis pumps work” the answer really is “uhhh, they do bring blood to your penis...but what else are you willing to put at risk?”

And I don’t know about you, but risk is the last thing I want to encounter when it comes to literally the most sensitive area of the body.

Let me explain...

Penis Pumps Don’t Work, and Here is Why:

Why You Shouldn’t Use a Penis Pump

One of the biggest reasons why penis pumps don’t work is over pumping, especially with sub-par pumps. 

If you are someone who experiences erectile dysfunction, it probably happens more than once in a blue moon. So, if you have obtained a penis pump to remediate your ED, you are likely planning to use it frequently for sex. And, since the penis pump effects last for a short period of time, in order to sustain penetrative sex, you may be tempted to use it again and again.

Without getting too graphic here, a person using a penis pump can easily overuse this product, bringing too much blood to their penis area, and causing a ruptured blood vessel.

Yeah, if you feel nauseated at the thought of this, join the club. Not an ideal solution, right?

Unfortunately, it gets worse. Ongoing use of penis pumps can cause long term damage to the very part of you that you were trying to enhance. 

Continually increasing the volume of blood entering this area, beyond your natural capacity, can cause the tissue and vessels in your penis to stretch and tear. What does this cause? Less effective blood flow to your penis area, a softer erection, and a punch to how sensitive to stimulation you are down there. If that is not counter intuitive, I don’t know what is. 

Go down this road far enough and you are putting yourself at real risk of Peyronie’s disease. This condition occurs when scar tissue forms around the penis, and causes painful erections. As well, Peyronie’s disease can cause erectile dysfunction and in bad cases, this disease can create impotence because of how difficult it make sexual intercourse

What causes Peyronie’s disease? Well, in most cases it generally stems from repeatedly injuring your penis- which is exactly what can happen from misuse of penis pumps. 

If this is not enough to convince you to stay far away from penis pumps, continue reading for information on some of the side effects that flashy penis pump ads do not transparently share with consumers… 

Do Penis Pumps Work? Well, Take a Look at the Side Effects and Tell Me What You Think: 

When a product is first advertised to us, we get the highlights and big promises; everything is spun to make it sound like if we purchase this item, all of our concerns will be solved.

What is often not made very transparent is the side effects or risks this “life-changing” product involves, as is the case for penis pumps.

Here is what you will discover about penis pumps once you investigate the fine print, and it very well might change your opinion about them entirely.

#1. Pain and Bruising

Have you ever bruised around your penis before? It likely was a result of one painful injury if you have, and when you are hoping for a fulfilling sexual encounter, bruising (that may be painful) is probably not on your list of must-have sensations.

Bruising happens when blood vessels near the surface of our skin break. This can easily happen with a penis pump if you pump too quickly. This translates to you injuring the tissue on your penis, which may do long term damage.

#2. Numbness and Tingling

When you are numb, you lose sensation or feeling in a certain area of your body. This is often caused by the penis ring that the pump comes with constricting too tightly around the base of your penis.

This limits how much you are feeling during sex which again, is counter productive to what you are trying to achieve that really proves that penis pumps don’t work for what they are promising. Worse yet, if you leave that ring around your shaft for too long, you are again risking more severe injury (that may even require surgery- yikes). 

#3. Pain in Your Balls

Did you cringe reading that? Sorry, but you need to know. Your average penis pump sold online or from a sex shop has a wide opening that, when you are pumping while flaccid, can actually suck in your testicles as well. Keep in mind that I am not talking about gentle blow job sucking, this is a vacuum-like product after all. So, I am sure this sensation is far from enjoyable to say the least. 

#4. Risk Making Other Health Conditions Worse

This is a particularly worrying side effect. Since people often reach for penis pumps when they are already dealing with erectile dysfunction, they are not addressing the underlying cause of the ED and risk making things worse by forcing unnatural erections with this vacuum pump. 

#5. Penis Pumps are Truly not for Everyone

Another factor that flashy ads will neglect to tell you: penis pumps are particularly dangerous for a number of users. If you are someone who already experiences limited sensation down there, you will want to avoid penis pumps because you could be causing damage with use and not be aware of it. It is not safe for people who are on blood thinners, or have blood disorders or issues with blood clotting, to use penis pumps. 

#6. The Erection is Likely Not What You Wanted

Yeah, this is the real kicker when it comes to penis pumps. After all the work of buying the product, trying it out, and putting yourself at risk of some very real health concerns, at the end of the day you are still getting an erection that is unnatural, meaning it is unlike what your normal boner would be.

A lot of users report frustration of not being able to get the thing to work, and when it does finally swell their penis, they are bothered by the fact that their boner is not stiff and still hangs down (since the blood is trapped in the shaft of the penis and around the base). 

The healthier solution

Okay, so we have established that penis pumps don’t work for a variety of reasons. But where does that leave you? Here are some alternatives I would suggest if you are looking for more intense boners or ways to deal with erectile dysfunction:

Communicate with your partner

Communicate with your partner

Now, I know it might sound like I am oversimplifying what you are going through, but hear me out. If it is size you are worried about, take it from a woman’s perspective: we care a lot more about what you do during sex, rather that how big your penis is.

Talk to your partner about what brings them the most pleasure, and you may be surprised by how little their answer has to do with penis size. 

If your worry is moreso to do with erectile dysfunction, communicating with your partner about your concerns can help you two discover a safe solution together. And, your partner will surely appreciate you involving them in this conversation, as ED (when left undiscussed) can impact a partnership too. 

Talk to your doctor about medication

The penis is a sensitive organ, and you definitely do not want to mess with your health. Why take unnecessary risks? Your doctor will be able to discover if there are any underlying health conditions that may be aggravating your ED and need to be addressed. They can also prescribe oral medication to help you with erectile dysfunction, medication that is widely used and trusted ( a much safer and reliable solution than penis pumps).  

Consider exploring with cock rings

Do not disregard the world of sex toys when it comes to helping you get and maintain a rock hard erection. Cock rings come in all sorts of sizes and materials (from flexible silicone to stiff metal) to suit your personal needs and desires.

They work to enhance your natural erection by sitting around the base of your penis and holding more blood flow in that area. You can even experiment with vibrating cock rings that increase pleasure for you and your partner.

While cock rings still come with a recommended user guide to avoid unwanted side effects, they are far less risky than penis pumps, and are a much more popular choice for men. 

The Bottom Line 

The honest truth is that penis pumps don’t work, and worse yet, they profit off of customers who are acting quickly and out of fear when they purchase one.

In reality, the risks and side effects associated with these penis pumps far outweigh what they are able to do, and prove that these products are not helpful to consumers. 

If you are feeling concerned about your size or performance, know that there are safe solutions out there. Save yourself from falling deeper into disappointment and prioritize your safety by passing on the penis pump.  

About the Author

Hi! I’m The Gritty Woman. I'm the writer, photographer, and creator of thegrittywoman.com, a leading sex blog, where I share my personal experiences and knowledge on sex, sexuality, body positivity, BDSM and kink.