Clone-A-Pussy Review

Clone-A-Pussy Review


If somebody created a time machine and found a teenage, messy haired, acne ridden version of the Gritty Woman and told her that one day she’d be immortalizing her vagina in hot pink silicone, she’d probably scoff at you and walk away.

If you told that same awkward, insecure and shy version of myself that in a few years, she would be enthusiastically writing about her cloned vagina for the whole world to read, she’d probably slap you and get as far away as possible.

Fast forward a few years, after gaining a ton of body positive confidence, embracing my inner desire for sexual liberation and owning up to my insatiable desires, here I am, immortalizing my vagina in hot pink silicone and enthusiastically writing about the experience for anyone who has internet access to read openly. 

Today, I will be reviewing a product that literally clones your vagina, but more importantly, it symbolically represents that growth and body positive thinking that is so empowering for women all around the globe. 

The Clone a Pussy kit does exactly that. Whether you want to keep your sculpted feminine confidence out in the open for all to see, or if you want it confined to your private quarters, the Clone a Pussy is primarily for you and you alone--get rid of the stigma and shame associated with the naked female body and look at yourself with pride and confidence.

Today I will talk about what the Clone a Pussy accomplishes, how the kit works, why anyone would do it and my own experiences with it. Although I’m not going to be talking about masturbation or sex here, this is an entirely different form of self love and feeling good.

I know that every time I see my cloned pussy, I say to myself, “Yes bitch, you go girl!!!”

About Clone-A-Pussy

As a response to its gender counterpart, Clone a Willy, the Clone a Pussy was made in the late 1990s and was initially intended for film use. Of course, public demand for such a toy grew immensely, and the makers behind Clone a Pussy opened the sales floodgates and the number of purchases grew hugely. 

As years of sales went on, the Clone a Pussy kit became symbolic of owning up to your sexuality, getting rid of the culture of slut shaming and just a general representation of female empowerment. 

Society in general has favoured men for far too long--they are congratulated if they have a high body count, they are well understood by others if they cheat, they do not encounter as much censorship and stigma as us women do, and they are celebrated every time they speak out about things while women are expected to be silent and submissive.

Well--screw that, I say! Part of the pride that I take from this job is to make the old world uncomfortable. Why should male nipples be free while we have to cover up ours?

Why can men openly talk about cumming and hooking up without judgment while women get perceived differently the second they talk about anything remotely related to sex? Why are female bodies always sexualized and never celebrated?

With the Clone a Pussy, female bodies are meant to be looked at with pride and confidence. For a lot of us who struggled with body image and fitting into traditional definitions of attractiveness, Clone a Pussy represents us being proud of who we are and what we look like. It’s also fun as hell to make and empowering as ever to look at. 

What’s in the Box?

I normally hate that pun but using it in this context is amazing. 

So, say you order your Clone a Pussy and are anxiously waiting to meet the delivery person to safely bring your kit to your place without being noticed by nosey neighbors wanting to see what you have. What should you expect?

The entire kit comes in a white box that has a pink flower in the front, the Cone a Pussy text in black running through the flower. Once you open the box, you will see that it comes with everything that you need.

You will see the mould, the alginate power that creates the impression of your vulva, two tubs containing the silicone substances and a mixing stick. 

You will just need a thermometer, measuring jug, a pair of scissors and a disposable mixing bowl for the ingredients. The instructions are provided on the flip side of the box.

Cloning Your Pussy

Before you begin, be sure to read the instructions thoroughly because once you get started, the process is very time sensitive. I recommend that you read through it once in detail, and then start the process with the instructions guiding you.

Although you can clone your pussy yourself, if you have a partner, then assisting you would be a huge help.

You will need the contents of the kit (vulva mouling container, body-safe molding powder, 2 part 100% platinum cure silicone and stirring stick) as we;; as a 4 oz or larger disposable cup, measuring cup, mixing bowl and mixing spoon or spatula.

  1. Measure ⅔ cup of warm water (about 90 degrees F) into a mixing bowl.
  2. Cut open the bag of molding powder and empty it into the water. Mix for 45 seconds (the mix will be slightly lumpy).
  3. Pour the mixture into the molding scoop, filling it to the rim and then solidify.
  4. In a comfortable position (standing or sitting on the edge of a chair), press the scoop against your vulva for 2-4 minutes (it’s okay if some of the molding gel spills out) and then carefully pull away the mold.
  5. Open the two jars of silicone and pour them into a disposable cup. Use the stirring stick to scrape out the entire contents of each jar.
  6. Stir the silicone for 2 minutes until well mixed. Pour this mixture very slowly into your mold, filling it completely. Let this sit on a level surface for a full 24 hours to harden, then carefully remove your new replica from the mold.

The final product should look like a fleshlight. If it makes you feel better, this process took me two times to get it right. The key thing here is to be mindful of the time and make sure you are pressing down hard enough.

A helpful tip is to do all of this over a hard surface to make cleanup easier. My first time was done over my bed, and I had to throw my sheets in the washer twice to completely get the material off.


The Clone a Pussy has more meaning and symbolism to it, which makes this review a bit different from my normal ones in that regard.All female sex toys play a huge role in female empowerment, feminine confidence and de-stigmatizing our male-focused worldview, but the Clone a Pussy kit is literally a representation of equity and sexual pride. For any woman who has struggled with body image, aesthetic expectations and personal definitions of beauty, the Clone a Pussy is an amazing way to throw all of that away and to express love for yourself just the way you are.

With the very simple instructions to actually clone your pussy, the entire kit is a great product to have. While thoroughly reading the instructions and following the procedure while keeping the time in mind, I found the whole experience to be fun and empowering. You can buy your Clone a Pussy here!

About the Author

Hi! I’m The Gritty Woman. I'm the writer, photographer, and creator of, a leading sex blog, where I share my personal experiences and knowledge on sex, sexuality, body positivity, BDSM and kink.